Frank Zane

3x Mr. Olympia | San Diego, CA
Design, Print, Web
bodybuilding, book cover design, branding, custom t-shirt design, frank zane, poster design, website, website maintenance, wordpress

Frank Zane has been an inspiration to bodybuilders and fitness-conscious individuals since decades before I was born. I am honored to work with a living legend and thrilled that Frank has trusted me to further develop his brand and take over responsibilities for his website. In the past few months I have been responsible for managing his eCommerce website by creating graphics, adding products, troubleshooting issues, generating coupon codes, building landing pages, supplying reports, and just about anything else he’s asked of me. I was tasked with designing a new t-shirt for Frank, which sold out at the first event in which it was available. I also designed the front and back covers to Frank’s newest book 91 Day Wonder Body.